My First Time Delivering For Uber Eats!

Uber Eats claims to be a great way to make money on the side during your free time. How easy was this to achieve and is it worth your free time? How did I personally feel about it and why did I start doing so?

Why did I start delivering in my town?

I have a myriad of reasons for delivering through Uber eats in my town, so I want to just touch on each and every one of them. They range from personal growth, wanting to try something new, and needing some funding. I also did so, because of how quickly you can apparently break into the market.

Reason number 1, because my therapist thought it would be good for me. I have ergophobia, which stems from my bigger social anxiety problem. Growing up I showed consistent and strong traits that signaled me an anxious attachment type. I was a child that grew up and am still quite anxious with strangers and novel situations. Because of this I have had a hard time holding onto work and I decided that I would seek therapy. Thankfully, I have been slowly interacting more with others in a way that is curbing my anxiety. But that has not been helping my anxiety when it comes to work, so because of this my therapist suggested that I try Uber Eats. It is a low commitment type of work that if it got too rough during the day I could just cancel. She was definitely right to recommend this. I got all clammy and shaky when my first order was taken today, and by my 4th I was feeling exhausted, but less anxious. I even helped someone out with an order issue they had and they gave me a good tip after for great service and that made my day!

I also was wanting to try something new. With all the free time I have had, I have enjoyed blogging and will continue to do so, as well as I have enjoyed learning pixel art as well! I was very happy that this was something new that could help me with some issues in my personal life, as well as give me some time to still do what I love and hope I can rely on steadily in the future.

Money makes the world go round. It is a sad necessity for everyone and something I obviously cannot go without. When I quit my job I had enough savings for the year, but I have to be incredibly frugal. There are some vtubers I would love to support by commissioning or subbing on twitch, as well as wanting pc parts and other things that I can not do because I have no income at all. Because of this, I am hoping that this is something that can help give me a little more luxury money to spend. Granted it is something that I am unable to predict my earnings day to day, I am very grateful for all the already 2 tips I received today for my service!

Lastly, I was very happy that it was something that I could just start doing! Job searching is horrendous and a lot of part time positions look past me for being overqualified with my psych degree. Because of this, I just needed something that I could thankfully land today. The turn around for Uber eats for me, was amazing. It literally took only 1 day for me to become a driver and start making money. This boggled my mind and I set out today expecting to only make 1 delivery, meanwhile I made 4.

Is it worth doing in your free time?

I feel like this is something that some may need to evaluate for themselves. You have to come to realize that the pay is inconsistent, and can vary widely if you are not in a massive metropolitan area. As well as the fact that my town is run more by door dash (who have me on a wait-list because so many drivers are already on the roads). If you are considering whether or not it is worth your free time or not I highly urge you to keep these things in mind. I thankfully live in Ca, where prop 22 was passed to give drivers a lot more stability and benefits through the company, so where you live is also a big factor.

When it comes down to it, with everything that happened today for me, I have to say that it definitely is worth it. Especially if you are just waiting on the availability of a friend like I often am, it can be a great way to squeeze in some earnings! I had a blast doing it today, though I am quite tired from the experience as a whole, I will be continuing to do this so long as I have some time and there are orders to be filled


This is all based on my experience as a day 1 driver for Uber Eats. There may be more that I learn about the experience as I continue on, and I may change my mind. For the time being it was an experience that really honestly did feel rewarding. I am always someone who loves giving back and I feel like doing this can give people back a lot of the time that they lose trying to go out and get the food on their own. I hope that each day is as positive as this, and I hope it can help me to continue to give back to other vtubers, small creators, and just everyone in general.

I really hope you all had a great time hearing about my experience with Uber Eats. I of course want to experience a lot more all across life and I can’t wait to document there here for you all. I will always do Vtuber spotlights, and I have some on the horizon that I am working with. With that said I am sorry that there was two weeks off from the series there were a lot of understandable difficulties. I hope that if you liked this article that you will give me a like or drop a comment letting me know that you did! Please also share it around to anyone you think may enjoy it and consider giving me a follow over on twitter. Everything is linked at the tops and bottoms of each article and I hope you all have a great day!!

2 responses to “My First Time Delivering For Uber Eats!”

  1. I loved this! I can definitely relate; I just started at Uber, and I found this blog after googling Uber anxiety. My first pickup was a nightmare. I’m glad you made progress, and it gives me hope. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awwwe I’m really happy to hear that this has given you some hope and you loved it!! I really appreciate that! I can say for sure that it does get better, but theres always that inkling for me. I also have not done normal rides yet mostly food delivery so I totally see the fear you may be feeling so valid!


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