Rose Petal Tea from The Spice & Tea Exchange.

Today I want to review a tea that was given to me as a gift from a friend of mine. They went down to L.A and bought a bag of rose petals that can be used for tea, cooking, etc. So of course I made it into a tea. How does it taste? Let us find out!

Disclaimer: The art of of course their logo and not owned by me. I was given the tea in a zip lock and was unable to find actual packaging on their website, hence why I just used their logo for my feature image. With that out of the way lets check out how good it is.

Display of the tea.

I was told by my friend that they bought the tea because of how great it looked in the shop. This leads me to believe that the tea was, of course, displayed in a manner where they could assess the freshness of the rose petals. This is always a big deal for anything that one is to consume, as seeing is knowing in a sense. The first sense you often use is sight when judging a product you can’t sample, second is smell.


This is going to be super quick but I felt it was worth mentioning. This tea was 100 percent dried rose petals, nothing more, and nothing less. This is a special case for me because I love rose tea, but as an additive. I have never actually had just pure rose tea. Because of that I am unsure what to expect, but can now at least separate the rose tea taste from the taste of other ingredients when looking at future teas.


The smell of a rose is very unique and hard to describe. Many of you have smelled a rose before and will know what it smells like, but the tea itself smells like a rose who had just weathered a rainy night. As you walk out in the morning to the settling smell of water and plants from all around you, you bend down and get right up next to the rose and take a big smell. This is exactly how the rose tea smells. It smells floral of course, and almost stereotypical when it comes to the smell of a flower.


The taste is not super strong, but it definitely is not watered down too much. This of course will vary with how you yourself brew the tea and want it to taste, so I went with a slightly stronger brew by brewing it for the full 5 minutes, and I have to say it tasted exactly as I expected. Thankfully, unlike tea made with tea leaves, herbal tea like this one do not contain tannins, so if you are fine with more strength you can brew it for about as long as you want!

Because of the fact that this tea is the first tea besides green tea that was not a mixture blend, I figured it would taste like the smell of the flower. Of course, I was right about the smell, it is something that might be considered an acquired taste if you are not used to floral tastes or earth tastes. I for one really appreciate the simplicity, yet depth to the taste of this tea. It reminds me of valentines day, when many receive roses as gifts. I would often sniff the roses that family and friends would all have laying around their homes or gardens around this time of year, and it is a comforting smell. Floral smells for me are a comfort smell especially those of the rose and lavender plants.

Health benefits?

Especially because of the fact that this is a simple tea, I want to take a moment to discuss the health benefits of drinking rose tea. This is something that can get bogged down with other mixtures and blends, especially when they include a myriad of ingredients, but here we know exactly what we are drinking.

So according to Webmd it is can be a remedy for the following issues:

  • Stomach and digestive issues
  • Fatigue and improved sleep
  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Menstrual cramps and menopause symptoms

Webmd also claims that there is some scientific support for these benefits, but that more research is needed. For me that means that maybe some work but I am not totally sure whether or not they all do, but that taking the tea when you have these issues certainly does not hurt you at all.

Then Webmd goes on to list some nutritional info saying it is high in:

  • Vitamin C, a good vitamin for our immune support.
  • Iron, something that I hear biological females are often low in
  • Calcium,
  • Vitamin A, great for your skin
  • Vitamin E, great for your skin
  • as well as a good source of antioxidants, which can protect your body from cancer.

So all in all, there are a lot of health benefits to rose tea, the nutritional info is more tested scientifically, than the remedies to health issues. Meaning that if you like the taste as much as me, there is a high incentive to drink it often and enjoy a great healthy beverage. This is a great alternative to soda or coffee, and especially other teas if you are cutting caffeine out of your diet entirely.


This tea was a really great tasting tea, something that I would definitely buy again. The smell and the taste are amazing and smooth, exactly as I expected of a great loose leaf rose tea. If I had to rate it I would rate it an 8/10. I really wish that I went and got the packaging myself so I could comment on the company when it comes to their packaging, but their online store does an amazing job showing off the product that you will be receiving.

Hi all, thank you for reading this shorter blog post for the day. Today is definitely a bit of an off day for me when it comes to writing but I hope that you all enjoyed it as much as I did reviewing it. If you did like it, please consider leaving a comment and a like on this post as well as following me over on twitter. If you tweet at me or comment, I will respond to each and every one of you! Until tomorrow’s vtuber spotlight, Ill see you all there!

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