Monday Chat.

As per usual, Mondays are sort of an open slot for me when it comes to my blog. I do like the idea of getting feedback on Mondays however, so that I can forge ahead through the week with suggestions in mind. Also, I like to share about my life and what I did through the weekend.

First, my plants!

She was nice enough to give it to me already potted and everything!

Last week, my friend’s mother told him to give us one of the smaller cacti she cut off of her mother cactus. It sat in my backyard on a table all throughout the week, until I realized that it may need more sun than the poor thing was provided in my backyard. To rectify this, on Friday I went to home depot and I got that plant shelf that you see it sitting on now, and moved it to my front yard. It is sitting on my south facing patio, getting plenty of light. Because I got this shelf too I was prompted to move my succulents outdoors as well.

The color is slowly returning!

I got this succulent way back in 2018 from a lowes store. When I purchased it, it was a purple and blueish hue all over the plant, and I proceeded to take it indoors as an indoor plant. I did so because my family I live with was not too happy about me having plants around the house and how they might look on the front and back yards. I have a very particular dad who has to have everything set a certain way, so the only respite was indoors. I got them a grow light, that I can only assume did not produce enough light because it etiolated really badly. Then I bought a much more potent light that kept it from stretching, but was unable to return the color to the plant. This is why I am so happy that through slowly planting the seeds of my idea to move them outdoors, I was given the a ok. Now their color is slowly returning, but I worry the transition may have been too sudden and that I may have stressed the plant out.

I just want to say here that I have a dumb cane and a lime tree as well as the above shown plants. Regardless of all these plants, I am definitely still a beginner gardener, but am proud of the little things that I have learned along the way, like watching for pests and what they look like when they are over vs under watered. I have learned to keep a good schedule and how to check them for watering and I think that gardening is a lot of fun, albeit semi passive hobby.


Seeing the colors return is just a reminder for me at least, that we all grow and change as the seasons pass. Even when unnoticed there are changes happening to us all, personality growths, physically growing, and ever learning no matter what age we are. I feel like the spots of returning color can represent me as a person a lot in that sense. I am someone who for a long time was stuck indoors, under the one grow light that kept me comfortable, but stunted my personal growth. Now that I am pushing myself to talk more, to challenge my social anxiety and find out what I want in life, I am growing little by little.

There is also a lesson in the speed at which we do so. Just like the plant, we should not be thrown out to the wild in an instant, and take baby steps. If the plant dies from being thrown from an indoor setting to a frozen winter wasteland, what chance do we have to throw ourselves willy nilly to the wolves that are to aid our progress. Make sure you celebrate the little achievements, as I am learning to do so today. I am thinking on my past a bit and how this year has been nothing but amazing progress compared to last year, but that I can’t go too crazy or else I will of course have an episode.

I woke up, and felt a lot more anxious, like I had stumbled somewhere on my journey, but that is totally ok. I would love to impart on many of you some wisdom that for many is common knowledge, but often forgotten in the moment. Life, and any battle really, is not linear. It is a winding war where each battle could go in the opponent’s favor. It is a hill that has many stumbling blocks that you will tip over and slide down. Sometimes it will be as hard as trying to climb up a frozen slide with slick socks on, but it is something that will eventually melt. Something that you can make it up so long as you keep trying. So do not be like me last year and sit at the foot of that hill, do not wave the white flag of surrender, do not sit at the bottom of the slide and wait for it to melt, or you may miss out on life and crucial moments that lead to your growth.

Closing, what I did over the weekend.

I would like to close off this interesting and all over the place post with just an update on what I did over the weekend. So you all know on Friday I bought a new plant rack, but what about Saturday and Sunday? Well those days were a 2 day celebration of my friends birthday party. He wanted to celebrate at my brothers with some terraria, all day and night and I was of course down for that. It was just me, my friend, my brother, and his wife. It reminded me back on childhood when we would spend all night gaming, until the sun came up. That may be why I feel a bit more rickety today with my anxiety, but I felt that it can be ok once in a while to have fun and just forget about everything going on, and that is something I normally wish my blogs can help with. Help you all either forget, or cheer you on for your courage and strength!

Thank you all for reading this sort of scuffed post today! If you liked it, please give me a like and a follow here on wordpress, and follow me over on twitter. If you have any comments at all, maybe you want to share you personal story of growth, tell me down below or let me know on twitter. My DM’s there are always open and I hope you all have a fantastic rest of your day!!

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