A Little About My Process With My Vtuber Spotlights

Today is certainly informal Monday here on my blog. Today I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to write about. Finally after deliberation I decided to give you all an insight into my process when writing my vtuber spotlight

Today I want to talk about my process when it comes to my vtuber spotlights as well as the priority they hold over my blog. I want to lay out in as much detail as I can and see what you all think as well as take suggestions. If there is anything you all think I should add like questions to ask or anything else, do not hesitate to let me know and I will consider it.

Finding a vtuber.

This is the obvious first step in the process of writing about vtubers. The search begins the day I finish writing about the last one. I am someone who is still very small and new to the scene, so there are a lot of ways I can go about finding vtubers, but the results vary for some. For example, one way I have used way back in the past was asking over on r/virtualyoutubers. I asked if they had any that may want to be written about and it yielded some results. The results felt almost like luck, as there were only two commenters that contributed names and even links to some they would like to see written about. I realize that being small means having much less of a following to ask my followers directly about what they might want to see vtuber wise.

The other main way I do this is by going over to my twitter. Through the blogs themselves I have been able to make some great friends and I have about 45 followers. This isn’t anything big internet number wise, but they are all great friends that are pretty active with my very little posts. Meaning I could interact with them and ask who they may want me to write about as well, but I have yet to directly ask anyone on twitter. I mainly use twitter to find vtubers who are following me or retweeted clips of vtuber content that I may find interesting and just pick from there. There are so many to write about over there the well is never dry.

Lastly, I find some through twitch. Almost every vtuber that I write about I try to follow or tune into twitch. As the number gets bigger though, that number has had to shrink a bit because of the sheer amount of time tuning in would take. In a dream world, I would tune in to every single vtuber out there and cheer them on, but I am just one person. Although, I do watch a big chunk still and when they raid, that is a perfect time for me to meet someone new in the community and think about writing about them.

I just want to say here at the end of this section that, I really like making new friends in the community, I want to make a couple really close friends, and I strive to interact positively towards everyone I meet no matter where at. I love talking to them and hopefully encouraging them however I can, I know a lot of people including me hate the nature of networking itself, which is why I like to look at it as making friends. I really am always there to listen to whoever needs it and will always have a friendly conversation if any vtubers are reading this and want to chat as well as offer help and advice where I can.

Asking them the question.

So I have found my vtuber what comes after that? I often DM them on twitter or Discord. I like to sort of have the vtuber spotlights be a surprise so I don’t like to @ them on twitter since that feels a bit more public, and I like to have a space to ask them questions that will be written about. This is a big hang up on a lot of the ones I choose because I found a lot today that I want to write about, but I have no way to contact them. I can understand having closed DM’s because those can be a minefield, but I do wish a lot of them at least had emails for me to ask there. I always ask because I do not want to write about them if it makes them uncomfortable for any reason and I really love getting a dialogue going to ask questions.

After they agree, which so far I am lucky and no one has turned me down as of yet, I begin by telling them a bit about my blog. The length and sort of the reason I am writing about them, but it is brief. This has not been the same from vtuber to vtuber, and I may include more info when talking to others simply because it isn’t uniform and formal. Early on I wrote about works that were being done before I did the vtuber as a whole package, but after I started writing on the vtuber themselves, I started coming up with questions to ask. A lot has been changing due to me just gaining more experience in the writing sphere and ideas of what you all may want to read, but currently I ask these questions:

  • Can you tell me a little about your story and what led up to you vtubing? was there any inspirations that led to the decision? How did you discover vtubing as a whole?
  • Is there any content you specifically want written about and shared? I may miss key content as I will skim content and write about the ones that suck me in personally?
  • Are you working on any projects other than twitch and youtube content creation? I.e webcomics, game mods, do you take commissions, etc.

For now these are what I ask. If you all come up with some questions you would want to see me ask please let me know. As I get better at writing and a more inquisitive nature, I have been formulating more questions as I go.

Writing process.

Ok so I got the information it is time to write. What strategies and order do I take when I am writing?? Well normally I add their profile pictures from twitter as the featured image on the blog. So that way when posting on twitter or other socials, it pops up an image of the vtuber. This shows one of the core reasons for writing them, for the vtuber. I don’t mean to sound like its a favor or anything, but the writing is definitely about them, so that I can hopefully spread who they are to an audience that may not already be watching them. I also write in the hopes that if there are fans of them out there, they either learn something new, or simply find the commentary enjoyable. With that said, it makes sense to me for the first thing they see to be who I am writing about.

When writing about their content it is often about twitch and youtube. I will talk about their personality styles when interacting with chat and how they are in their youtube videos. I will talk about their energy and mood they project to their audience as well as the content nature itself. Is it funny, chill, uplifting, inquisitive? I ask myself how I feel when watching their content and I usually write about it in that approach by share some clips that I find demonstrate this answer. I am still unable to embed twitch here because I don’t pay for a wordpress plan that allows me to add widgets sadly, but I can embed youtube.

Then I write about their projects and basically just anything else that is going on. Maybe their model was worth mentioning or a charity stream they did or how they interacted with me and their fans. This is a spot that changes from vtuber to vtuber because every vtuber is individually different.


Lastly, under a section I call closing every time I talk about some final thoughts. I also will talk about how if you like the content, then please like it here as well as give a follow if you want to see more. As well as leaving a comment about the current work here or on twitter, because I do want to grow my audience as well. I can bring more awareness if I have a bigger audience, much like a twitch raid. If you raid with one that is still amazing and wonderful because one new person is introduced to you, but if you raid with a thousand then it is a thousand percent more people watching. I, as a content creator, value literally every single view that I get, it means the world to me, so I know that vtubers are the same. They love that raid no matter if it has one or one thousand raiders. so please if you love my vtuber spotlights, I always urge you to check them out, they would love hearing one new person in chat as much as I love one new reader or one new like. So if you liked this article, you know whats coming later in the week, and you know what to do. Until next time!!

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