Vtuber Spotlight: Ayumii

Today I want to look at ENVtuber Ayumii. She is someone I can consider a friend and is at the moment awaiting her debut date. Because of this, her content is very unique and represents a whole new wave of vtubers. What content does she make? How would I describe her?

Disclaimer: Everything shared here and mentioned are all owned by Ayumii or their respective artists. All art shown has the original artists listed by Ayumii on her twitter. Please check her out if you are wondering where the art or vtuber assets are from. With that all said lets check out Ayumii!!

Story and inspirations.

As is usual, I asked Ayumii what led her to becoming a vtuber. What follows is what she was kind enough to share with me, paraphrased. It started out young for her, saying that ever since she was little she had wanted to become a character from an anime. I vibe a lot with this as I watched cartoons a bunch in my youth and longed to be one as well. She later on did some fandubs with her friends for fun which she described as a dream come true, furthering that dream of being a character in small steps. Then she got the final push from watching and gaining inspiration from other vtubers like Ironmouse and many many more. She describes that by being a vtuber she could be herself without having any fear, and I believe that has to be one of the more universal appeals to vtubing. I think that people are just not meant to always have such a massive audience and in this way it can help their mental health while getting to do what they love.

She states that she has really enjoyed being a vtuber thus far because of the people she has met and the friends she has made. The community can be an incredibly friendly one, one where I have also already made some friends. There is a big emphasis on the friendships and positivity she has received from becoming a vtuber and this shows in her content and work that she does. She really truly appreciates the friends she has made along the way.


That leads me to the type of content she makes. Ayumii is, like I aluded too earlier, a slightly different type of vtuber at the moment. One that I think has gained a lot of traction as of late and I would like to call the Pre-vtuber. These are vtubers who have yet to official debut by their own standards. Some make a couple test videos or do test streams, others do none and just inhabit what their social media platform of choice is. I would have to say from personal experience that most of them are on twitter, but it does not have to be expressly so. She has a twitch account made for an eventual debut, but has no content over there as of yet.

So then what sort of content does she make if she only interacts on twitter? I would say a variety like any streamer or content creator might. There is a lot of interaction between her and her audience and fellow vtubers, where she is making friends through posts and private messages on twitter. This has gained her a sizeable audience of people who seemingly adore her, as I do as well. For example,

She not only shares about herself but she cares for her audience even before mentioning herself!

In this tweet you can see that she is clearly very active on twitter. Not only is she active, she also shares about herself, but not before putting her audience first. She has clearly created a fan base for herself through this genuine caring interaction that she has with her fans. It makes them feel heard, which can sometimes be seldom with bigger content creators. She spreads positivity and that really does reflect her popularity, give love and you shall receive love , which is a two way street between her the creator and her fans. I can guarantee you that you can go and comment on one of her tweets and she would reply with compassion, so long as you show it as well. This makes her feel incredibly approachable, which every fan never gets enough of in this new digital idol world.

this has such a cute vibe to it!! Absolutely warm and fuzzy.

She not only shares about her life and asks about her fans, she also shows off her vtuber model by making short clips or pictures like this one above. She makes content through her vtuber model that is funny, cute, adorable, and the like. They make you anxious and excited to see her debut that is coming up, giving a preview of what her stream style and personality may be. I asked her what she might consider her style may be, and I got a myriad of answers, all that fit her personality that she shows on twitter as well, especially the chill and accepting vibes to me personally. There are, I am sure, some who are following her for her eventual debut, so seeing progress and practice with her model is sort of their little bit of hope. Many I am sure are like me, who follow her just to have a fun friend to interact with usually daily.

Fan art.

I don’t want to share the actual art here, but I really want you all to check out her fan art as well. In her bio, Ayumii has a hashtag she created to further her fans and the community in the form of art. She checks #Ayumiiarts and, when looking through her twitter, you will see that there are so many fan arts that were created just for her. She quote tweets them and shows genuine appreciation. I think this is a genius strategy, because everyone wins and is happy. She gets to see the amazing hard work and amazing art of her community, and the community gets to create something they can be proud of. This again, is another great example of how wholesome she is and how great of a fan base for her she has created. She cares for her fans and they care for her and it is way too wholesome.


When it comes to being a vtuber, there are so many ways you can go about it. Whether you have a different approach to content, building a fan base first, or simply just staying on a social media, vtubing is a way that you can make your dreams come true. Ayumii is clearly chasing hers, and that passion and drive really shows through her work. I could not recommend checking her out enough if you have not popped by her twitter already. Many who are reading this, I am sure, are already fans. So tell me, did I describe Ayumii perfectly? Is there anything you might change or did you follow her for a different reason than I stated? Let me know!

Thank you all for reading till the end. This was a different form of vtuber spotlight, if only slightly. I really enjoy getting to write about those who truly inspire me and I had a blast writing this. All your support and views are incredibly precious and I hope that if you liked this you will consider following me here or twitter to receive notifications of future blog posts. Also leave me some comments about anything, this post, future post ideas, critiques on my writing, anything. I would love to hear from you but for now I will see you in tomorrows post!

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