Outdated SNL Skit and General Rambles.

Here is another what I have started calling Monday rambles. Where I talk about whatever I want from the weekend or in general. I want to touch on the SNL skit that gained a lot of limelight as well as some general mental health and life updates about me.

Saturday Night Live.

Ok, so granted I do not know too much on this story as a whole. I know that Elon Musk was one of the guests on the episode that aired last saturday, and I know that the internet had exploded from it. I saw fellow youtuber Charlie AKA Moist Cr1tikal, talk about how he disliked the whole episode and could not wrap his head around the target audience for SNL. He watched the whole episode, which I could not imagine doing at all, and gave his thoughts on the series as a whole. I want to talk about only 1 skit because it was the only skit I saw.

My parents during our Sunday mother’s day called me and my brother into their front room with the skit pulled up. Because my brother is super into Mario and the skit was of course Mario themed. We had a court proceeding that detailed a case of Luigi v Wario. I honestly could not understand where the humor was in their skit. They made the joke about being Italian and having an Italian accent as well as this weird type of comedy that was “oh look we can use video game sounds how quirky”. I legit couldn’t help but cringe especially when they showed Waluigi and Peach. Peach laid the accent on so much thicker than she actually sounds like in the games and Waluigi felt like they didn’t even try for him. Not even his signature “Wah” sound was used. Then they pivoted to a sex joke and then had to make the skit end with a political joke and a racism joke about being Italian. You don’t have to be accurate totally to be funny, but usually it comes across better when you apply effort at least. Maybe play at least a couple Mario games before doing a video game skit?

It was a lot to unpack, but the best way I would describe it was out of touch. Moist Cr1tikal touched on that as well saying that the show seems to be written by old out of touch people pretending to use tik tok humor, and I totally agree. Just like he said as well, if you found it funny that is ok, people can enjoy different things but I just could not enjoy this. I feel there are many like me who don’t hear a video game sound file used for no reason at all and think that is hilarious. They used it as her gavel and I just was like, ok is that the punchline? I thought they played too heavily into the stereotypes of the characters too and relied solely on that. Cr1tikal once again said this would be something that could be kinda good or entertaining if you were watching it for free on YouTube, not from a multi-million dollar franchise where you pay for that service to watch.

How I have been doing.

Today I woke up anxious, with a existential crisis. I had a dream I was back in high-school and it make me wake up remembering that I am unsure what I want out of life. My therapist last week told me that I need to find what I want and not what my family wants out of life. I went through college without asking myself much of what I wanted and upon graduation felt lost. I have really bad anxiety and self confidence issues that never really got better. It was nice over the weekend talking to one of my vtuber friends over on twitter about it and she felt the same. The simple fact she had to quit her job like I did out of anxiety felt very comforting. I simply have to ask myself what I want out of life and a career.

That answer is an answer that is almost tougher than the questions themselves. See, I live with my parents so I feel that I must take into consideration what they think, that I need to go out and get just any job and leave it at that. I battle with this as I try to be realistic, but I feel like I want to be a blogger and vtuber. Integrate my blog with a Youtube channel for a vtuber avatar. I know being a Youtuber is like the one dream that has taken over millions, but I feel that. That or be an entrepreneur in cosplay, which I have started a bit. Where I am going with this is that I need to have some patience with myself. I woke up not sure what to ramble about today again, and it causes small burnout. I am excited for my big articles as I always am and have said before, but the fill in days especially Monday, can be a bit tougher. I want to make a living as a blogger, interacting with you all, my audience, and writing interesting articles myself. So please bear with the occasional, weird insight into myself like this one today. I don’t consider myself the most creative person, but I feel that as I write and get better, as I immerse myself in art communities like the vtuber community and content creation, I will take on that role and reshape my brain a bit, as well as find content as my self confidence raises.


With that all said, thank you for reading this to the end. I know today is a rambly, jumbled mess. I have been working on my self confidence with my therapist and she gave me a packet that will keep me going, and I always plan to keep my blog going. I know consistency is key and I will try to post when I usually do. I love writing blogs and it feels liberating to write for you all and myself, as a way to try and make a name for myself. If you all read this far, thank you so very much I really appreciate it. I hope that you all have a wonderful day, and remember to take care of yourself, and once in a while ask yourself the harder questions so you don’t end up like me, without answers.

If you like this post please do give it a like and follow me here or on twitter. I am always excited to have a discussion or even just make some lifelong friends through my blogs as well. I value any and all input and I hope you all have a great rest of your day and that you look forward to tomorrow’s post. I have a drink review planned for tomorrow! See you there.

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