Just how good is the White Tea Rose Melange From Rishi Tea?

I have found recently that I love rose teas. They make for a great additive to a lot of other teas that I have tried. This was my first white tea. Was I impressed with the flavor and the smell? lets check it out!

Disclaimer: Tea’s flavor and taste can range widely on a majority of factors. The tea quality, the tea type, the tea flavor, the brewing technique, additives, etc. For this flavor of Rishi tea I brewed 12 oz of water with 1.5 tbsp of tea leaves at 175 degrees fahrenheit. The recommended on their packaging was 185 but my kettle jumps from 175 to 195. In an effort to not burn them and risk bitterness I brewed them colder but for the same amount of time which was 4 minutes. This all should be taken into consideration when thinking about how I rate said tea.

Rishi Tea as a vendor.

When I got over my three samples from dollar tea club I was left wanting more. I then went on to research tea even more than I had originally and found that there are many tea vendors that ship to where I live and accept my currency. I found the list of tea providers, that was curated, on a tea subreddit and chose Rishi tea from the list of vendors. They looked promising and allowed the customer to buy samples of tea so that I could try flavors for a very cheap price. I found that the major kinds of teas they offered to be black, green, oolong, white, pu’er, chai, matcha, and various herbal teas. From this I gathered samples of most of these flavors, I have yet to try chai, and pure matcha. The ordering process could not have been more smooth and I happily receive email discounts of tea every month or so. Their selection seemed enormous and I could not wait to try out the samples that I had bought! This particular tea was indeed part of that bunch I purchased. Now onto the tea itself!

How do they describe this tea on their store page?

To summarize their description of the tea they say that this is a tea is a fresh floral bouquet that presents a minty finish. They add in comforting elements like lavender and jasmine into this tea to create their own spin on traditional Chinese white and rose tea. they describe the taste and aroma as cheerful, with a floral taste and a minty finish. They add below that the caffeine levels are low. I like that they also list the ingredients in this tea blend which are as follows,

  • Organic rose petals
  • Organic green tea with jasmine
  • organic white tea
  • organic peppermint
  • and organic lavender flowers

Smell of the tea.

The smell of the tea can be a great indicator of how the tea will taste. The smell of the tea is often used to determine the quality of the tea brew and the leaves themselves. Despite never having had a white tea before for comparison I could still tell that the tea was of high quality from the smell of this tea once it was brewed. The tea smells very floral, with the hints of the rose standing out in the smell, but the almost minty smell lingering in the back softly. This told me that this was going to be an intricate taste, one with a couple of layers to it that would all be enjoyable the whole way through. Its smell reminded me of a day when it would rain and there would be a strong floral smell that lingered afterwards and I would bike along side the garden flowers.


Arguably the most important part of the tea. the taste of the tea was phenomenal. I have told family and friends before that I am particularly picky, especially when it comes to tea. I have told people before that I did not think I was a tea person, not until I found out about high quality tea. This tea is the example, the peak of what I mean when I say quality. The tea taste has a smooth texture that goes down smoothly when drunk, as any high quality tea should. Immediately you are hit with a earthy but subtly sweet taste. You can differentiate the taste of rose that hits at the beginning from the taste of the white tea that tastes minty on your tongue as an after effect. The taste lingers and settles like a great work of art that moves you in a way that it can’t exit your mind. A great animation, a great song, something masterfully painted, or a greatly executed gaming technique. These stick in your mind and make you marvel at how great they are and this is what comes to mind when I drink this. That this tea itself is masterfully crafted and is a work of art as much as it is a beverage.

How would I rate this tea?

I would rate this tea a 10 out of 10. This specific blend has to be my favorite tea I have had yet on my just beginning tea journey. The flavors all mesh together so well and it is a tea that has a perfect, natural sweetness to it when you drink it even though I did not add any sugar to the blend. It is a drink that is perfect for when I need that little bit of caffeine, but not too much to where I get the jitters. It is an amazing and healthy pick me up and something that I can see myself turning too in the future whenever I need a little bit of sweetness in my morning routine. Definitely can recommend this to tea beginners and veterans alike.


I want to take the last bit of time to thank each and every reader that I have gotten on my blogs and all the future readers of this post. Every read and comment means a lot to me on my blogging journey and I wouldn’t be motivated to blog about whatever I want without those out there who read it regardless of if you leave a comment or not. To everyone just a big thank you! If you liked this article please consider following me here and twitter and leaving a comment I will reply to every comment I can. Thank you all so much and till next time.

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