Life Update And Monday Writers Block.

I want to make today’s blog post a little more informal and possibly smaller today. I want to talk about creators block in general and other general things in my life today and what is going on. With all that said I will try not to ramble too much today and try to keep it a bit concise.

How I have been planning blog content.

Usually when I write my blog content I plan for 3 posts of the week. I especially prioritize my vtuber spotlight segment that I do once a week. It allows me to gather examples of their work during the work and to ask them if there are points that they may want added or kept out for privacy. Because of this I usually plan to publish the spotlights on Wednesdays but they may or may not get pushed back farther into the week if life is happening. So I always plan to try and post about that, some sort of anime review, news, or discussion. Lastly I try to touch on video games. that fills up the 3 of the 5 I plan to write weekly. The last 2 I leave up in the air like today’s.

So far I am able to think of something the night before I post what I want to post about. I usually get ahead of the game and start looking for suggestions and vtubers after I post theirs but will think up the anime or video game topic the night before I blog about them. With that being said I wanted to save those 3 for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for this week. Because I have those times figured out I tried to think of what to write today and just found nothing. I felt some writers block and I felt that meant today was a good time to tell you more about myself, and just general updates as I think of what to write about tomorrow. I pride myself on bringing good content to you guys to read daily and I felt that an update or just talking about me in general could be appealing.

What can you normally expect as content outside my planned content?

Normally I would then take it upon myself to talk about content that is in my other hobbies or what has been going on in my life that I find interesting. This can be as I think I have said before like a tea review, food/snack reviews especially imported candy if you guys would love to read about that, gardening and how my plants are doing and what types they are, and possibly going into the cosplay scene or funny youtube content I have been watching. I have been thinking that I might put the cosplay content as a sort of mirror to the vtuber spotlights and highlight some cosplayers and some of their work. This is still a work in progress though.

We all know that creative blocks suck.

The reason that I want to write what I am passionate about and things that I like is to try and avoid writers block for me specifically. I have a lot of things that I would love to talk about but none of them quite fit in today. I am doing a lot of background work for the spotlight this week and making friends in the vtuber community. They have all been nothing but kind and I was so happy to make some new friends in the community even if they are fresh, fledgling friendships. Because of this nothing has quite struck that isn’t in that sphere so I woke up and sat here thinking for an hour, wow what am I to write today?

Thankfully being able to write about whatever interests me means that I can also just write blogs like this, where I give you a look into what is going on in my life a bit. Because at the end of the day the blog is just me, what I like and what I find worth chatting about. I love the idea that it can be a platform to help give others spotlight like with my vtuber friends as well as helping boost some communities in my interests as well. Also that it may just be a journal for you guys all to read, and I am glad that you get to read whatever you like on here at anytime, so if a post is not for you I understand. I know writers block can really destroy creators, but I have heard lots of times that part of creating is just waking up and doing it when you don’t want to, and/or finding that inspiration to write.

With that said I always plan to write.

I have been incredibly happy writing for you all and collaborating when I can. I have always battled with severe social anxiety and egoraphoia, so this is such a great way to open up and crawl out of my shell. It gets me out of my comfort zone and I can see the effects helping me grow. Because of this I have been feeling more fulfilled than I have in a while and am really grateful for every single reader and I want to keep writing for you guys and for me. I really take pride in every single writing piece I have already done, and I know writers block will happen possibly worse the farther in I go. I worried that having it this early is a symptom, but I love writing for you all and keeping you updated so as far as I can tell I will keep writing because even a post like this gives me strength and is something I still am proud of.

Closing thoughts.

With all that said I am incredibly excited for this weeks vtuber spotlight. I also am excited for my gaming post and anime post. I have loved interacting with the community and I appreciate all the follows and the reads you all have given me. I will continue to find motivation, and inspiration and fill you all in on whatever I want to talk about. I hope this was a good update and I apologize if it is more rambly than usual, as far as I can tell my writing is getting better after just a week or two of writing already.

Thank you all for reading all the way through or even just skimming. Every visitor and read means a lot to me and if you liked it or even found this a little inspirational, please follow me here or twitter and leave a comment. Share it around if you feel it can help motivate anyone you know or just simply liked it and I hope you all have a great day, this was Dumah, aspiring vtuber and blogger.

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