Lavender Fields By Dollar Tea Club.

Today I want to look at and review the Lavender Fields tea by Dollar Tea Club. I also want to talk a bit about why I got into tea myself. Without further ado lets get into it!

Why I got into tea?

I would say I didn’t get into tea from some crazy revelation about myself as a soda drinker, but I knew that drinking soda while tasty, is something that is not the best for you especially when it was for the energy more so than the flavors. I wanted caffeine but could never get into coffee so I wondered what other ways there were. I at first tried caffeine gum but I did not care for the form factor and taste of the gum. Finally I remembered that there is this thing called tea. I started by trying terrible, American tea dustings that were prepackaged. I found them completely bitter and I could not figure out if I was brewing them wrong or if I was not much of a tea guy myself. After googling the issue, as I often do for a lot of my issues, I found a reddit thread that talked about loose leaf vs dustings. They said that once you try loose leaf or whole leaf you can never go back to dustings so I had to give it a try. I finally found out that I can indeed like tea and practiced brewing it, although I am no master. I learned how to brew tea that I like in the end and learned that I am indeed a tea person.

Initial review of the tea and service.

This was definitely not my first tea, But I definitely wanted to review this one first. This has to be my favorite from Dollar Tea Club so far. I signed up for a service where they send me three samples a month and some tea bags to help me steep them, and this was the tea they sent me for the month of March. It was the one tea that I felt like reordering before my new samples arrived in April.

The reason for this was because of the taste and the smell of the tea. Taste is entirely subjective so you may not like lavender tea, but I got a huge preference for lavender tea from the time in my life where I used it to calm my anxiety (See blog post about mental health techniques). Now back then it was straight lavender tea dustings made with the hot water from a coffee machine, so imagine my delight when I tasted loose leaf green and lavender made with my own kettle! but why leave you imagining it let me break it down.

Smell of the tea.

They often say that the smell of the tea is going to play a big part of the taste. That when you drink a tea you also let the flavors and the smell settle onto the back of your tongue for a rich flavor. This tea comes to you with that principle of smell mastered. The initial smell of lavender definitely lets you know how it might taste, and for me the smell of lavender is definitely calming. There is no tea that I like to simply smell or hold while it is still hot more than a good lavender tea. The green tea smell does not mix in very well so I can see some who like a green tea smell more having issue with this but I was ok with the smell of lavender taking control of the tea. It brought me back to an early, highschool morning where I was getting ready and excited to see my friends, yet had some warming tea to help calm this energy out a bit. It does, at my age even, remind me of my childhood a bit and can bring me back to a time when frolicking in fields of flowers was a time of fun and wonderment.

The taste of the tea.

Needless to say I already gave a hint at what I think of the taste. I find this tea to taste amazing, it first and foremost is not bitter. As someone who is very averse to bitter I can very much appreciate this in the tea. The second the tea touches your tongue you taste the fine green tea. Ingredients so fresh and sharp, yet at the same time subtle. After consuming the tea, I find that if I exhale the taste of the lavender then settles in my mouth as this amazing aftertaste. The taste being three layered really astounded me, for me it hit in waves of green, then evenly mixed green and lavender, and then lavender settling in your throat until the next sip. You can immediately tell that the green tea and the lavender are quality ingredients.

Why drink it?

So I stated that the tea smells and tastes great, but taste is subjective so why might you go out of your way to try it? Well I would recommend it to someone who loves green or lavender teas for starters, as chances are you will love this tea. If you are unsure how much you like lavender tea or green tea then maybe you might drink it for the benefits. This flavor combo lends itself to great taste without needing additives in it like milk, honey, sugar, etc. This means you can get caffeine in your system if you need a pick me up while getting a calming dose of lavender, which I find helps me with the jitters that come with caffeine. Not to mention Green tea is often touted for numerous health benefits, it just seems like a great healthy alternative to soda or coffee.

Final thoughts.

The flavor Lavender fields certainly makes you feel like you are in a field of lavender, while tasting great and giving you a pick me up. It is incredibly healthy and something that I definitely recommend you try, especially if you are new to tea yourself. They thankfully provide easy to follow brewing instructions for anyone looking to start into tea themselves.

With all that said and done, if you love my blogs please feel free to like this post and follow me here or on twitter. Also consider leaving me a comment here or on twitter as well and I will try to respond to every single one, any comment you want is welcome. Also feel free to sign up for my emailing list for updates on future blogs that are posted. I was not sponsored but if this sounds like a great tea to you check it out over on dollar tea club. Thank you all for reading to the end and I hope to see you next time.

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