JoJo Part 6: Stone Ocean Confirmed.

I am a very recent JOJO fan. I within the last 2 years watched every part from 1 to 5 all the way through. So naturally when I saw this I was ecstatic. If you are wondering where all the hype comes from I’ll share where mine comes from at least.

When I saw that part 6 was announced I was incredibly excited. JoJo has always been for me a sort of comfort anime. It is something that I can sit down and watch and have a great laugh at. Also it gives me great quotes to use with my friends to make them cringe on purpose as I find making them cringe on purpose to be one of my greater pleasures.

Let me start with part one, what seems to be on average the least favorite part of JoJo’s. I found this part to be a perfect introduction into the over the top reactionary humor that JoJo is known for, at least through me. All the screaming and longer inner monologue in part one was great! Like when Dio has an inner monologue during their boxing match about getting JoJo in the eye. I found this to be so over the top I couldn’t take it serious and I feel all of JoJo lends itself great to that. It turns it into a show about craziness and zaniness that you can just sit back and laugh at whether it is being serious or not hence the name bizarre.

Part 2 was some of the best written JoJo’s, in my opinion, out there. There were compelling villains and heroes. It touched upon the mask from the first season that caused so much wonderment, and fleshed out one of the bigger roled JoJos, Joseph. I loved the conclusion as well as it was something that I totally did not expect in the slightest and I loved saying goodbye to those pillar men. Lastly German science, enough said there.

Part 3 was, contrary to many I am sure based off twitter and other JoJo fans, is my favorite part. I can acknowledge that there are pacing issues with this part, especially when they finally land on Egyptian soil and you are really just ready to find Dio. But the build up really did make the ending for me. It has to be one of the best showdowns in all of animation history for me. Who can forget that famous phrase “oh you are approaching me?”. Dio himself really carries the end but after it is all said and done I look back on this part the most fondly of all of them so far. I love a really strong and built up final villain in a story.

Part 4 was, again contrary to many I am sure, my least favorite part. I have no issue with slice of life anime at all. I find that there are many that are enjoyable especially when they have great sub genres like romance or comedy thrown in with them, but JoJo just never felt like an anime I watch for the slice of life aspect. this part I felt focused to narrowly on the city in which they live but I will attest that it gave great writing and character development to each character. It was my least favorite but I still enjoyed it end to end and really found myself longing for a better Morioh city.

Part 5 to me felt like it falls right in the center. I never really knew how I felt about Giorno as a character. As far as the JoJo’s go he always felt like the most passive and least explored in my eyes. I always felt that part 5 was carried by the extensive cast, especially Bruno as he was my favorite character in that part as well. I really found Giorno to have a unique and awesome stand ability but found the ending sort of rushed or lacking in buildup and confrontation.

I hope you can see from my reviews that JoJo is truly a unique anime experience. Normally with anime that have arcs they keep to a somewhat same style and story type in the sense that they don’t normally swap protags, or even try and swap genre a bit. This makes the JoJo community very split on which part they all find to be the best. It really does depend which part you watch whether or not you will really like it you can’t quite judge the book by its multiple covers. This is why I am so excited for part 6, Because even if they do change so many things throughout the story the one consistent I find is the type of over the top humor that the author seems to love. Crazy screaming reactions over the smallest thing seems to bleed over and only gets built upon as things get more and more bizarre in the series. I have seen many say that part 6 is the best part so I am excited because I know that no one agrees between parts 1-5 which one is the best. I am sure though that as the anime comes out and gets more exposure there will be those that still swear by parts 2 or 4 or 5.

As for me I know that in the end I will enjoy it as I have enjoyed every single part of the series and I was so happy to see that this was announced right as I was pondering reading the manga. I watched through the series within some of the best years of my life so now I associate JoJo with that. Watching it or making references or hearing the music that was attached really elates me at times and I am incredibly hyped and just had to write about it and some of my thoughts. The art that I have seen thus far, which Isn’t much mind you, looks amazing.

Regardless, what part of JoJo is the best to you? Let me know by leaving a comment here or by commenting on twitter. If you enjoyed this please give me a like and follow on here as well as follow on my socials listed down below. I sometimes just do mind dumps reacting to recent anime or gaming news that I find out on the internet and I always hope you all enjoy and have a better day after reading, till next time.

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